
Here are a few random rhymes and doodles, many of which celebrate holidays, festivals and special days throughout the year. Wherever and whenever you are, I hope you’re having a good’n.

P.S… Keep an eye on my social media - especially my instagram - for more nincompoopery like this…

World Listening Day

All a bit fishy

Cheese and chocolate


All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time wears many pants.

World Theatre Day

Tea with milk

National Tea Day

World Milk Day

Pencils and passwords

World Turtle Day


Compost Week

Burns Night

Ol’ Rabbie Burns, that most poetic of peeps, Loved to tuck in to his tatties and neeps.
So, what too with a dram and a wee cullen skink, It was poor Mrs Burns who’d oft suffer the stink.

Fireworks night

Whizz! Pop! Crash! Bang! Fizz! Thwop! Smash! Clang!
When from afar they sure are wowzers, Just keep those fireworks out your trousers.



Random rhymes and doodles

As I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul  to keep. ANd while you bed down for your kip, I'll do the same here on your hip.

Life of Pi - for Pi Day

Coronation anniversary of Elizabeth I